

*1897 +1968  London Enid Mary Blyton Pollock Darrell Waters. She wrote m ore than 600 novels authored Enid Blyton and Mary Pollock. She loved her father a lot, but he abandoned his wife and her by another woman. She got the better marks in her class.  She became teacher. Enid had several romancesand later got   married twice. In the next 25 years, Enid wrote her best known books. She wrote books aimed at teenagers. They were about young gangs who acted as detectives to solve mysteries. They have been translated into nearly 90 languages. She is the  5 th  most popular writer of the world. She has sold more than 400 million of books.  However, literary experts have suggested that her writing style and the imagination and development of characters is very superficial. She wrote the 21 novels of the collection ‘Famous Five’. 1942 – 1963. She wrote about: 1.        Children in ...


*1860 +1937 London  Sir James Mathew Barrie He wrote Peter Pan He was journalist     His family was rich. His brother David died at the age of 13. He was the favourite son of his mother. His mother ignored James. She used to say. ‘ Are you David? … Oh, it’s only you! ’ His father didn’t have any contact with children. Barrie wanted to be loved and this would have a great influence on his life. When he became an adult, he was short. Nearly the 1,50 metres. Psychologists say this is caused because of mental disorders based on the desire of being a child forever. When Barrie goes out home and moves to London, his mind opens and he is ready to write. He was friend of Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Louis Stevenson. He married to an actress. It didn’t work because 1) She didn’t love him, but for his social position 2) He only wanted a mother, not a lover. Peter Pan was performed in 1904 for the first time. It was called ...


*1898 + 1963 Belfast UK  Clive Staples Lewis (Jack) He is the author of ‘Narnia Chronicles’ He was friend of Tolkien. Both taught at Oxford University Lewis works have been translated into more than 30 languages. He had sold several millions of books. His father was lawyer. When he was 4, his dog Jacksie died. Lewis said his name would become Jacksie, as his dog. He didn’t answer if you didn’t call him Jacksie, but later he accepted to be called Jack. He studied at home. Later he went to a school whose director had mental problems. Lewis loved to read. Since his childhood, Lewis loved creating new species through the combination of different animals. He enjoyed Beatrix Potter stories a lot. He married a North-american writer, but she died 4 years after the wedding. His wife, Joy, had married at the age of 27. She had 2 children with her husband, an alcoholic and women-lover. Joy exchanged some letters with Lewis. Joy moved from N...


*1866 + 1943 London Her most famous character is Peter Rabbit. Her father was a lawyer. Her mother visited people and received people at home. None of them brought up Beatrix and his brother. The family lived thanks to the inheritances. She suggested interesting theories about microbiology, although they weren’t accepted because of coming from a woman.   Her stories were based on little animals. She got to publish her book. The tale of Peter Rabbit. S he felt in love with her editor. It was a secret. Her family wouldn’t accept a man who had to work to earn money. He died before they got married. S he wrote 23 books. In 1920 she couldn’t write more because of sight problems. Then she worked on her sheep farm. At the age of 47 she got married to his lawyer They didn’t have children. She died in 1943.


*1882 + 1956 Britain Alan Alexander Milne Winnie the Pooh's author. He wrote tales for his son Christopher and this way he invented Winnie. He took a teddy bear from the child’s bed and invented stories and adventures about that character and its friends.


1660 - 1731 London . Daniel Foe was the son of a butcher who made candles from the fat of death animals. They were 8 siblings. His father was jailed because of his debts. Daniel later added “de” to his surname, pretending to be an aristocratic member or something. Daniel Defoe was a politic activist. This caused him many problems. He later collaborated as intelligence agent for the government. Robinson Crusoe was written in 1719. It’s about the shipwreck of a boat and the adventures of the survivor sailor man on a dessert island. Defoe died in 1731, although we aren’t sure because he lived clandestinely because of not having paid his debts.


Nearly 600 b. C.  His existence as a real person has never been proved. He was born nearly the 600 b.C. He was murdered in Delfos after being accused of having stolen. His fables were used at schools as text books. Platon said Socrates knew all the fables by heart. The structure of Aesop’s Fables is: 1.       Starting situation 2.      Character’s behaviour and reactions 3.      Evaluation of the reaction. Examples of his fables: “the Eagle and the fox”